Monday, January 24, 2011

A few more of Baby J

This little guy melts my heart. So adorable!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fun with my new camera!

I've been wanting to get some fun, goofy pictures of this little guy! What a ham he is!

Baby J, 7 days old

One of my good friends and her husband had this little bundle of joy last week! Meet Baby J, 7 days old when these were taken! ; )

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Some Goals for 2011

Get lots of use out of these guys!

Travel & take photos

Get up earlier!!!


Take more nature shots!

Cook more!

Stop & smell the roses

Spend more time with family!

Pay attention to little things in life!

Take it all in!

Be silly!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Drive to the foothills

I have been dying to try out my new camera! Sean agreed to go with me to the foothills over New Years weekend. We got up there and started shooting away. Only for me to realize I didn't charge my battery. ; ( So, I did get some cool shots with my old camera and new lens! Check it out!

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