Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I'm So Thankful!

At this time of year I think about it more then ever and I can't believe how lucky I am. My life is full of wonderful things and people.
Here are some things I am thankful for.

My family and my grandma. Thank you.

Bob & Sue. I strive to be like them.

Beautiful Skies.

Photography. My passion.

Amazing Sunsets

Beautiful flowers from my boyfriend

These Ladies. We have so much fun together. Love them.

Colin. No matter what mood I'm in when I see him, I'm happy.

Sean. Not sure how I got so lucky. He's amazing.

My mom. I love her dearly.

My dad & Roanna.

Friends. Not sure what I would do without them.

And wine. Because it's so good.

Monday, November 22, 2010

My Family

It has been quite a while since we have all gotten together for photos (at least 2 years). Nothing could stop us this time, not even rain!
Check out my family!

Gary & Pam Tune

I had the pleasure of meeting and photographing these two sweet people. : ) I went to their home in Madera and was able to get some really fun pictures of them and their dog Jack! Check it out.

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