Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Colin and Hailey at the Pumpkin Patch

My two girlfriends asked if I would meet them and their kiddos at the pumpkin patch last week to snap some photos. What a blast! And, I think next year I should set up some family shoots there. Great backgrounds!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Colin in his Halloween Costume

Check out this cute little giraffe!

Little Mia

Little Mia is all ready for Halloween. I photographed her at the park in Harlan Ranch in her pumpkin costume, so cute! That, and a neat little outfit that was previously worn by her grandma! : ) We had fun trying to get this little cutie to laugh!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Monika & Connor - Downtown Shoot

I'm a little behind... Needless to say, at the beginning of this month I had the opportunity to photograph some long time friends of my family, Monika and her silly son Connor. We went to many different locations around Downtown Fresno and had a blast!

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