Monday, April 26, 2010

Astyn's Senior Pictures

Yesterday I met Astyn for a senior photo session.
We drove to my uncle's property off of Old Friant Road for the shoot.
I had a great time taking these photos and getting to know Astyn and her Aunt Jaime.
I am so happy with how they turned out!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Baby Ethan

This week I had the privilege of taking photos of a 10 day old baby. His mom is one of my friends from high school, I am so excited that she called me to shoot his pictures. What fun Katy and I had!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Coakley's

Spent some time on Saturday 4/10/10 with my friends Chris, Ash & Colin at Woodward Park. We were trying to get some good family photos and capture Colin's first year photos. We had some set backs but ended up with some great shots. Check out what we left with:

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